Off the Wall Books

Kids can easily make these simple, yet clever, folded book projects.

The first is a portfolio that has secret pockets to hide things in.  This one is about 3 x 6 inches folded up and 8.5 x 11 inches open,  but you can make them any size. There is a cover page and inside paper, folded about 9 times, total.

Folded Secret Portfolio

Secret Folded Portfolio

Inside peek

Inside peek with hidden pockets!



Drawings can be hidden inside the flaps.

Drawings can be hidden inside the flaps.

Kids can do drawings inside the pockets to reveal hidden artwork and then fold up the base if they don’t want people to see it!




These would be fun for around 2nd or 3rd grade for smaller artwork, scraps of images to save or a place to doodle.






Folded City

Folded City

This folded city was made out of one piece of construction paper with the cuts down the middle of the page about 3/4 of the way to the edge then folded back so it has a little support in back to prop it up.  This can be done with all kind of shapes. It could be interesting in tandem with a science activity about symmetry.

Examples came from this book.

Examples came from this book.