alcohol inks

Alcohol Inks on Yupo and Watercolor Paper
The watercolor paper gives a softer, mottled effect, whereas the Yupo paper is glossy and imparts brighter colors to your designs. You can use layering as it dries, as well as a straw to blow the ink over it after you’ve applied the 90% rubbing alcohol with a dropper. You can also move the paper around to make drips and designs.
Markers and Rubbing Alcohol

Sharpies and Watercolor Markers with Rubbing Alcohol
This process involved using washable water-based and fabric markers. After you use them, you drop rubbing alcohol on them to create a tie-dye type effect. This was made on canvas.

This is a fun process that you could link to science lessons in your classroom, based on the idea of chromatography.1 This means that different colors have molecules that separate out based on how much they are absorbed by the paper. Using a coffee filter, we applied washable markers to the paper and stuck in a cup of water part way. The colors wicked up and separated out.
1 Keller, R., & Giddings, J. (2018). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from